
Friday, September 28, 2012

Random Observations Again - Karaoke and Other Things

I love observing.  Just watching things unfold and saying "Huh?"  In other words, it is what it is.  That's what this post is about.  My observations - part 3.

  • Mongolians love karaoke.  In Ulaanbaator, you'll find a karaoke bar or karaoke pool room or karaoke hotel on every block. I noticed several Irish Pub Karaoke Bars.

The K Club Irish Pub & Karaoke

Another Irish Pub & Karaoke Pub

  • You really haven't lived until you've heard Karaoke at the Nomad Ger Camp.  370 km from civilization after a 7 hour road trip and almost meeting my demise in the Big Black Hole of Kharkhorum, I was sitting out in front of my Ger tent looking at the the night sky when I heard a sound like I've never heard before.  Apparently, the camp where we were staying is a little hub of civilization for the nomads.  I swear I heard Mongolian rap karaoke coming from the main tent.  Yep, Hatnaa confirmed.  "They love karaoke in Mongolia." They sang until around midnight when I finally fell asleep.

After hearing karaoke rap at the Ger camp, I decided that fermented mare's milk (aimag) was not for me.

  • Today I was at the State Department Store in UB city doing some shopping.  One of Mongolia's most revered songs was playing over the Muzack when a guy came up behind me and started caterwalling like he was on the Mongolia National Opera stage.  Except he wasn't.  And won't be.  Yup, they love karaoke in Mongolia and they don't have to be in a bar.  Happy people.
  • The electricity is off.  You know how I know?  The lights, television, AC and internet are out. Happens all the time.  Suddenly, the city just goes dark.  It's the most random thing ever.
  • Except when the water is out.  I came back to the hotel on Sunday from my trip to the countryside to be greeted by a sign that said "We are so happy you chose Ramada. We want to inform you that the city will be cutting off the water today.  So sorry for the inconvenience."  And they did.  From 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. After 3 days in the countryside I really needed a shower.  Had to put that plan on hold.  Of course, we didn't have running water in the Ger camp either so I'm getting used to adapting.
  • Just saw a story on Discovery about vertical farming.  How tall would a building have to be to grow enough food to feed 50,000 people.  Thirty-two stories and one-square block.  Vertical farming is on the way and Ulaanbaatar could use it today!


  1. its funny that you had to go to mongiolia to see an irish pub while I only had to go to mongolia...

  2. I meant to say I only had to go to Ireland! Conley is driving me nuts

  3. Yes, music is everywhere. I'll tell you something else. Kenny G and Lionel Richie are getting rich all over again. Their music is playing 24/7 in UB city. Every hotel. Every grocery/convenient mart/fast food joint. Every department store. I need to write a hit song!
